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  1.   Cached
    Add a New Field to a ... If the update operation requires an update of an element in an array field, ... method can insert a new document into the collection. ...
  2.​method/db.collection...   Cached
    Inserts a document or an array of documents into a collection. ... then MongoDB will add the _id field and assign a ... method inserts the document with the new field.
  3.​Collection.html   Cached
    MongoDB::Collection - A Mongo Collection ... (and the _id field) ... (\@array, $options) my @ids = $collection->batch_insert( ...
  4.​mongodb-adding-a...   Cached
    To add a new field to all documents in a MongoDB collection, first connect to the DB using the command line.. mongo myDB. Once connected, run the following ...
  5.​mongocollection.find.php   Cached
    The array is in the ... certain system collections do not have an _id field. If you are dealing with a collection that might have ... $connection = new Mongo
  6.​value_in_array   Cached
    How to keep a ... Problem. Your document contains an array of numbers and you want to add an attribute to the document which contains the maximum value in the array.
  7.​mongodb.createcollection.php   Cached
    An array containing options for the collections. ... to disable the automatic index created on the _id field. ... object representing the new collection.
  8.​mongocollection.insert.php   Cached
    $m = new MongoClient; $collection = $m-> test ... Mongo's behaviour is ... that the _id field will only be added to an inserted array if it does not already exist ...
  9.​MongoDB/Tutorial.pod   Cached
    To add a document to the collection, ... to add an element to the "likes" array, we write: ... To add a new field or change the type or value of an existing field, ...
  10.​new-field-to-a...   Cached
    In case you want to add a new_field to all your collection, ... Mongo db add new field to a collection and update if ... out all the array elements of a collection. 1.
  11.​mongo-db-add-new...   Cached
    Mongo db add new field to a collection and update if field already exists. ... but need to change the all array instead of one field. How I can do this with php ?
  12.​mongo-db-how-to...   Cached
    ... "Add new field to ... Remember to test for null and to create the array when you want to add a ... Is there any way to sort Mongo results by nested collections? 0.
  13.​how-to-count...   Cached
    Mongo + PHP: Updating Documents in a collection with a new Array. 8. ... Mongo db add new field to a collection and update if field already exists. 0.