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  1.​ecryptfs/2008/09/25   Cached
    You can easily create a dynamic encrypted private directory on your Home folder that will shrink or grow in size ... ecryptfs to the secret folder. ... filesystem ...
  2.​ecryptfs-size...   Cached
    ecryptfs size different from home directory size. up vote 0 down vote favorite. I'm puzzled. ... Find size and free space of the filesystem containing a given file. 1.
  3.​IscsiEcryptfs   Cached
    You can use the information here to convert an existing LTSP server home directory into an eCryptfs ... by shrinking the filesystem ... eCryptfs filesystem needs ...
  4.​using-ecryptfs-on...   Cached
    This blog post continues my Ubuntu encryption tools testing. Previously there was an example for losetup. However, with the latest Ubuntus eCryptfs is recommended ...
  5.​...ecryptfs-filesystem   Cached
    This is what Ubuntu uses if you check the box for "encrypted home directory ... filesystem; each file is padded in size to ... eCryptfs as the filesystem ...
  6.​an-ext4-filesystem   Cached
    Centos How to shrink the size of an ext4 filesystem,how to reduce lvm filesystem size,shrink lvm ext4 filesystem,linux shrink filesystem,lvreduce ext4 f
    This means that you donĂ¢€™t need to allocate space for eCryptfs, it will grow and shrink as you add files to ... Mount a new eCryptfs filesystem in your new folder:
    Shrinking encrypted LVM partition ... Reduce each encrypted filesystem with cryptsetup(8) ... Depending on the sizes of the volumes, ...
  9.​536   Cached
    Create a filesystem on top of the encrypted device; Mount the filesystem, and put some data into its tree (and no, that's not my real passphrase; this is an experiment!)
  10.​encryption   Cached
    Filesystem-level encryption, often called file or folder encryption, is a form of disk encryption where individual files or directories are encrypted by the file ...